IBM entra nella Comunità OpenOffice

 Use La Suite opensource OpenOffice annovera oggi tra i suoi sostenitori anche IBM, oltre a Sun System, sponsor ufficiale.

Certamente l’ingresso di Big Blue porterò migliorie dal punto di vista tecnologico ed applicativo.

Speriamo solo che non si vogliano mettere troppo a far marketing, sennò anche OpenOffice farà la fone ddi OS/2 😉

Questo l’annuncio:

"The community today announced that IBM will be joining the community to collaborate on the development of software. IBM will be making initial code contributions that it has been developing as part of its Lotus Notes product, including accessibility enhancements, and will be making ongoing contributions to the feature richness and code quality of Besides working with the community on the free productivity suite's software, IBM will also leverage technology in its products." The text of the full Press Release is here: and an accompanying FAQ is here:

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